Chest shops allow users to set up marketplaces in their towns to buy and sell goods without needing to manually facilitate a trade. This is an advanced feature that allows for dynamic gameplay with shop customisation and profit sharing. Use the guides below to become a marketplace mogul.
Chest shops can only be created in land you have permission to build in. Either as a resident, trustee, or embassy owner.
Creating and Managing a Shop
Starting your first chest shop is easy. Follow the steps below to create a store:
Left-click a chest or barrel and enter a price.
Enter the price in chat.
Your shop has been created.
Open the chest or barrel then stock it with the required items.
Your shop's inventory.
A stocked chest shop.
To delete a shop, open the control panel (by right-clicking) and select [REMOVE SHOP] in chat.
Shop control panel.
Chest shops are only protected under Towny. If they are no longer in claimed land they will be deleted. Chest shops can cease functioning for many reasons, including:
Manually deleting it.
Leaving the town they are located in.
Losing trust or embassy rights in the town they are located in.
A town going bankrupt or ruined.
A mayor or nation leader clearing the plot.
A town unclaiming the land they're in.
Town mayor and nation leaders can manage chest shops in the lands they rule over. However, they still must follow our usual rules on property and stealing.
Other Features
Use the expandable list below for some more advanced optional shop management features to further optimise your markets.
Chest Shop Menu
By left-clicking a shop you can view some information about the shop. Here you can access the [Item Preview] button, allowing you to see exactly what item is being sold.
Chest Shop Control Panel
By right-clicking an owned shop you can manage certain aspects of it. Click the hoverables on each line to interact with it. Here is where you can change the price of the shop or toggle it from buying to selling, among other things.
Shop Benefits
Benefits feature allow you split your shop profits with other players.
Looking at a chest shop, execute the command /qs benefit add [Username] [Percentage]%. Any percentage not assigned to another player will be assigned to the shop owner.
To remove a player from profit sharing, look at the relevant shop and run the command /qs benefit remove [Username].
You can check who currently benefits from a shop with /qs benefit query.
Shop benefits can only be assigned to online players.
Shop Naming
You can rename an owned shop by looking at it and running /qs rename [Name]. That shop will then use the assigned name during lookups and logs for easier management.
Item Previews
To avoid potentially misleading sales you can select the [PREVIEW] option in a shop menu to see the exact item you are purchasing.
Shop History
The shop history allows players to check the history of transactions in one or more stores.
To see the transaction history of a specific shop, open their control panel and click the [HISTORY] button in chat.
Using a command, you can check multiple store's history with /qs history [Owned/Accessible/Global].
Looking for a specific item? Use /qs find [Item Name] to check the server for all stores selling that item.
Sign Materials
If you want to further customise your shop or have it better match your shop's aesthetic, you can change the sign material with /qs sign [Material].
Shop Stacks
Want to sell or buy in bulk? Create a 'stacked' shop. To do this, simply create a shop like normal but hold multiple items in your hand when creating and setting a price.
For example, when creating a shop holding 64 stone with a price of 10G, it will sell a whole stack of stone for 10G.
To change the amount of items traded in your stacked shop, use command /qs size [Stack Size].
Price Suggestions
Not sure what to set your price to? Look at a shop and run the command /qs suggestprice. It will take data from all relevant shops and calculate a suggested price. For this feature to work there must be at least 3 shops with the same item and type (buy or sell) on the server.