
Please take a look at our rules below!


1. Use common sense.

The golden rule. Just because something isn't listed or is somewhat vague doesn't mean it's not enforceable. Staff will always have the final say and sometimes rule breaks are severe and need to skip a couple steps. If you are unsure if you are breaking a rule or doing something that isn't allowed please don't hesitate to ask. For the most part those who are honest or make mistakes are let of extremely lightly. However, ignorance is not an excuse.

2. No disrespectful language or bullying.

Good faith and light hearted banter will always be allowed, but once a player expresses concern you must stop and apologise immediately. This is a place to relax and have fun - failing to remain respectful creates a negative server experience for everyone and contributes to a wider toxicity issue. Remember the person on the other side of the screen.

Disrespectful language can include but is not limited to: Racism, hate based of sexual orientation, hate based on political orientation, hate based on disabilities, real-life threats, sexual content, suicide jokes, sexism, or usage of slurs (even if you belong to the group targeted). While swearing in general is allowed, please be mindful to not be excessive with it or use it to target other players. The more extreme the use of language is, the harsher the punishment.

In order to keep chat readable we also do not allow excessive use of caps-lock or spam.

  • 1st offence : Warning.

  • 2nd offence : Temporary mute. (Duration may vary)

  • 3rd offence : Permanent mute.

  • 4th offence : Some rare cases may incur a ban.

3. No NSFW in public chats

This is a Minecraft server, minors can and will play here. Inappropriate discussions or messages in global or any public channel is unacceptable even if you are a minor yourself. Private channels are a little more relaxed in terms of content moderation but if someone is made uncomfortable or a report is created it will be treated as though it happened in global.

  • 1st offence : Warning.

  • 2nd offence : Temporary mute. (Duration may vary)

  • 3rd offence : Permanent mute.

4. No hacking or cheating.

A hack or cheat constitutes anything that may give an unfair advantage over other players, they can include but are not limited to:

  • Mods.

  • Scripts, macros, and autoclickers.

  • Certain resource packs.

  • Exploiting bugs.

  • Accessing or utilising above the Nether roof in any way.

  • Duplication glitches.

  • Unfair PvP advantages.

Not all mods are banned, certain exceptions exist and are as follows:

  • Surface only minimaps and waypoints

  • NotEnoughItems or similar.

  • Optifine and other optimisation mods.

  • Bobby and other chunk caching mods.

  • Fullbright.

  • Tweakeroo mod - only with allowed tweaks enabled.

  • Litematica/Schematica - schematics/holograms only, no printer.

  • Cosmetic only resource packs and shaders.

  • Personal stat displays, such as armour durability and status effects.

  • Inventory sorters.

  • Shulker peeking.

Expressly prohibited modifications are:

  • Opponent stat displays, such as health and damage indicators.

  • X-ray and adjacent modifications.

  • Automatic block placing or swapping, such as 'easy place'

  • Automatic tool and weapon swapping.

  • AFK bypasses.

You may also join on the following modified clients provided all other rules are followed.

  • Lunar

  • Badlion

  • Sodium

  • Forge

  • Fabric

  • Feather

It is your responsibility to report all bugs found to the Staff team on Discord. If you engage with any bugs and exploits after their initial discovery you will be punished. Purposely hiding bugs and exploits will incur punishment as well.

If you are unsure of the legality of a mod, resource pack, or shader pack please ask before enabling it. If a modification is not mentioned here, assume it is banned, if you would like to propose an amendment to this list please contact Staff, you will not be punished for asking.

  • 1st offence : Temporary ban. (Duration may vary)

  • 2nd offence : Permanent ban.

5. No griefing or stealing in protected land.

Any buildings made in unclaimed land on Earth or in the resource worlds (Resource, Nether, End) are able to be raided. Make sure to claim your land using Towny and lock your valuables. You may not attempt to circumvent these protections nor grief a town you reside in either.

Intentional destruction around the borders of a town is also not allowed. Border griefing will be treated the same as regular griefing.

You may not claim around a town in such a way as to limit their expansion. This ranges anywhere from completely encircling a town to creating a "wall" of claims for the express purpose of denying land. Towns may still border each other if it makes sense to do so.

  • 1st offence : Temporary ban. (Duration may vary)

  • 2nd offence : Permanent ban.

6. No real-life political arguments in public chats.

We respect everyone's right to open discussion, as well as the fact this is a geopolitical server so politics is unavoidable in some cases. You are free to discuss real-life events or similar in a calm respectful manner. Flame wars are not tolerated, arguments are unproductive and contribute to a toxic environment. Please do keep in mind that not everyone enjoys these conversations and may make some uncomfortable. If you are told to stop by anyone you must do so, however you are free to take the discussion to a private area with consenting individuals. Remember to respect everyone's opinion within reason.

  • 1st offence : Warning.

  • 2nd offence : Temporary mute. (Duration may vary)

  • 3rd offence : Permanent mute.

7. No advertising.

We run a strict no advertisement policy. Any unsolicited ads will be met with harsh punishment. This includes advertising our server in places that don't allow it, such as other Minecraft servers. You are always encouraged to spread word of our server, but please only do so when appropriate. We are a respectful community that don't condone actions like that.

  • 1st offence : Permanent mute.

8. No alts or botting.

No unregistered alternate (same-IP) accounts are allowed. Each individual account must have a unique and separate owner. Any unregistered alternate accounts will be immediately banned. The use of bot accounts is prohibited under any circumstances.

Cross-Platform Accounts

Due to our Java/Bedrock cross-play feature onto the server there is one exception to the rule: Java players may register one alternate Bedrock account, or vice versa. Click here to learn more about joining our server via Bedrock.

This means you can use a Bedrock mobile account to play on the server if you're unable to reach your PC to play on Java edition. You can play on one account or the other, but not both at the same time.

Your secondary account must never be online at the same time as your main (except for being invited to the town, or swapping items - Staff must be notified of this). Failing these conditions may mean your secondary account becomes unregistered and banned. It must also be a member of the same town as your primary account (or a town within your primary account's nation). It cannot run its own town.

Some further information:

  • If your main or alt account is banned - both are. Connecting to the server during a ban will result in a punishment extension and sometimes a revocation of your alt account registration.

  • Your primary account will be assigned to whatever account you joined the server with first. Your secondary account is assigned to the cross-play account you register. If you wish to swap which is which please contact staff.

Please open a ticket on Discord if:

  • You have multiple different people playing from the same IP, both temporarily and permanently.

  • You wish to register an cross-play account.

  • 1st offence : Warning of the main account, unregistered accounts are permanently banned.

  • 2nd offence : Permanent ban.

9. No idolising or excessive referencing to extremist ideologies.

Due to the nature of the server players may be inclined to emulate specific nations or ideologies that existed in history. This is no place to idolise such things. Players may parody or lightly reference certain regimes in a considerate and respectful manner. For example: Soviet style governing is allowed, however gulags are not. This is true for any other extremist ideology. This is our most fluid rule and up for change very often as we develop the server. It is a sensitive subject and very difficult to define accurately the border between what is acceptable and what is not. As long as you keep your conduct respectful and understanding we will be lenient in guiding you to an appropriate behaviour. This rule and it's guidelines are constantly changing, you will not be retroactively punished for any amendments to this rule as long as you keep up to date. As a player make sure to communicate to us what you deem to be acceptable and what is not so we can further craft this space into one that is fun and acceptable for all.

  • 1st offence : Warning.

  • 2nd offence : Highly situational and up to staff discretion.

10. English only in general chat.

Foreign languages are extremely hard to moderate so to ensure effective enforcement of our rules we cannot allow other languages in global. You can speak whatever language you wish in private chat channels or direct messages, but are still subject to all our other rules.

  • 1st offence : Warning

  • 2nd offence : Temporary mute (Duration may vary)

  • 3rd offence : Permanent mute

11. Do not excessively ping other players or staff.

Pinging other players unwantedly is very annoying, for the enjoyment of all here please only ping others when it is relevant. You must also respect the wishes of others to not be mentioned.

  • 1st offence : Warning

  • 2nd offence : Temporary mute (Duration may vary)

  • 3rd offence : Loss of pinging privileges.

12. No scamming.

Scamming players is not allowed, this means you must stay true to your word when making agreements. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Purposely being dishonest or leaving out details.

  • Selling renamed items in an attempt to make them look like real valuable items.

Obvious joke items are permitted. Examples of an acceptable renamed items are bottles of water sold for 3 gold marked as "Holy Water". An unacceptable item is a tripwire hook marked as a "Vote Key" being sold for 5k.

When making agreements please ensure appropriate and valid proof is obtained. This can be anything ranging from in-game chat screenshots to signed books. Discord screenshots may be used as supporting evidence but cannot be used as standalone proof due to the limited verification we can do on them.

  • 1st offence : Balance wipe and a temporary ban (Duration may vary)

  • 2nd offence : Balance wipe and a permanent ban.

13. No grave tampering or blocking.

You are required to allow players access to their grave after you kill them. You may not block their grave or kill a player before they have had a chance to recover their items and leave. Though you cannot actively stop a player retrieving their items you have no obligation to help them get them back, so you can deny teleport requests if you wish.

You may also not make any efforts to increase the difficulty of retrieving items in any capacity. Such as closing doors, gates or walling areas off to create a 'technically accessible' grave with only one entrance or pathway to collection. Areas surrounding graves must be left as they were within reason until it has been retrieved.

Grave blocking is still not legal during war as inventories should drop directly on the ground upon death.

This rule does not apply under the following circumstances:

  • There was written agreement beforehand that the winner will keep the loser's items.

  • The player's grave is unlocked.

  • The losing player is not peaceful whilst retrieving their items and leaving.

Please ensure there is enough valid evidence to support the preceding list to avoid unnecessary complications.

Players caught grave blocking or tampering will be punished with the following:

  • 1st offence : Warning.

  • 2nd offence : Temporary ban. (Duration may vary)

  • 3rd offence : Permanent ban.

14. No bypassing PvP Protections.

PvP protections serve a purpose: to shield those who do not want a fight from attacks. You cannot breach area protections in any form. New players are automatically granted 24 hours of immunity and are also considered under this rule. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Setting them on fire.

  • Using explosives such as TNT, end crystals or creepers.

  • Exposing them to lava.

  • Pushing them off a ledge.

  • Dropping an anvil on them.

  • Any form of spawn trapping, including but not limited to teleports, town warps and player warps regardless of PvP immunity.

  • Changing an area's PvP status without warning.

You may not 'camp' warps intended for public use even if they have combat enabled. For example, setting up a shop then attacking any customer that comes is against the rules. If a fight is to break out there must be warning and time given to leave. This rule does not apply to existing outlaws and war enemies.

Anyone caught bypassing toggles will be punished with the following:

  • 1st offence : Warning.

  • 2nd offence : Temporary ban. (Duration may vary)

  • 3rd offence : Permanent ban.

15. No combat logging.

Any form of combat logging is prohibited, it is your responsibility to ensure your PvP toggles are correct. Each time you combat log will incur an automatic 10,000G fine.

  • 1st offence : Warning.

  • 2nd offence : Temporary ban. (Duration may vary)

  • 3rd offence : Permanent ban.

16. No Sharing Personal Information.

You may not disclose any personal information about other players without their explicit consent. Ensure you do not share any extremely sensitive information about anyone, even with consent, for the interest of safety. Information like this can include addresses and passwords.

  • 1st offence : Temporary mute. (Duration may vary)

  • 2nd offence : Permanent mute.

17. No teleport killing.

You may not kill or attack a player that has just teleported into the area, either as the request sender or receiver.

Instances including, but not limited to:

  • Player teleport requests.

  • Player warps.

  • Town warps (spawns and outposts).

This rule does not apply to players at war, those who have agreed to fight beforehand, and town outlaws (but it is still bad manners).


Earth Rules

We have implemented many rules and systems which increase the longevity of the Earth map, this is to ensure that we do not have to reset it at any point while simultaneously keeping it fun to play on.

A major aspect of this is ensuring mining stays enjoyable and viable on Earth. Due to this, any exploitative mining tactics are not allowed. This means claiming land, mining in it and then unclaiming it to move to a different location. You can only mine in land you intend to keep, "colonies" are allowed and encouraged as long as they remain a part of the town. We are aware that unclaiming land is a natural and necessary part of running a town, so it is up to staff to monitor for these activities. We are fortunate as it is obvious when land is being mined out and unclaimed, if you notice this please don't hesitate to open a report! This is a serious offence as it impacts the enjoyability and sustainability of the server by a lot.

For the same reasons we restrict Earth mining we must also slightly limit what activities may be done aboveground. We do not intend to ever reset the map so ensuring it's as well kept as possible is pivotal for a positive experience for all. Things you can not do include, but are not limited to:

  • Creating forest fires.

  • Flooding areas,

  • Lava casting and

  • Large scale quarrying. This rule has no effect when you are working in your towns borders, within reason.

Another rule we have in place to keep Earth fair and habitable for all is the regulation of some Towny aspects, name banning of "snake-claims" and misuse of outposts.

Snake claims are long, thin claims that usually connect two far away claims or outline an area. Outlining with claims is allowed sometimes under the assumption it will be filled out within a reasonable amount of time.

Any land a town owns that is not connected to the main spawn must include an outpost plot. The exception to this is if there is a close-knit island chain or archipelago then there only needs to be one outpost plot or the home block associated with them. Issues like these are taken on a case-by-case basis so please contact staff if you're unsure on the legality of your outposts.

  • 1st offence : Warning

  • 2nd offence : Temporary ban. (Duration may vary)

  • 3rd offence : Permanent ban.

Redstone Machine and Automation Rules.

This is a very broad subject so we will do our best to cover every type of machine or farm. If you still need further clarification please ask Staff before constructing your machine, we will try to update this list as we go along.

Prohibited Machines and Farms

  • Machines built with the intention of causing lag.

  • Machines that are made to bypass vanilla game mechanics, such as bedrock breakers.

  • 0-tick farms or duping mechanisms.

  • AFK player machines such as auto-fishers.

  • Setups to bypass the AFK mechanic are not allowed, even if they don't use redstone, including AFK pools or macros and scripts.

  • Fast pulsing redstone clocks. Including doubled observers that act like fast clocks

  • Farms that utilise excessive entity cramming.

Allowed Machines and Farms

  • Semi-automatic farms. This means it must either automatically plant or harvest, it cannot do both. This includes cactus and sugarcane farms as the player did the original planting of the crop.

  • Mob grinders that use minimal redstone.

  • Automatic smelting and item sorting systems.

  • Most farms that don't use redstone are allowed, provided they also follow the guidelines. These include Iron Golem farms and Villager breeders.

  • Flying machines, as long as they have a set end point and don't travel infinitely. They must also have a switch to activate and cannot run continuously.

Do not leave your machines running if you are AFK or not in the area for extended amounts of time.

Any machines that are found to be causing an unnatural or unnecessary amount of lag, despite following all the guidelines, will be deactivated by staff.

  • 1st offence : Warning and the deactivation of your machine.

  • 2nd offence : Highly situational and up to staff discretion.

Rules of War

Even during armed conflict, there are some rules and guidelines necessary to follow to ensure a fun and fair environment for all. Please review these rules carefully to avoid any misunderstandings or potential penalties being applied.

  • You must be reasonably accessible at all times during war. Do not hide in the void, inaccessible structures, neutral towns. This applies even if you are against the war and do not wish to fight.

If you are found violating these guidelines, we can punish you with the following:

  • 1st offence: Warning and a war penalty.

  • 2nd offence: Temporary ban and a war penalty.

  • 3rd offence: Permanent ban and a war penalty.

A war penalty can be any of the following:

  • Overturning a war result.

  • Removal of lives.

  • Removal of town or nation health, permanent or temporary.

  • Returning of items or funds.

  • Increasing or cancelling a cooldown.

If you assist someone in breaking any of these rules or purposely ignore them you will be punished in the same way they were.

In the same vein, we will not accept someone else using your account as an appeal reason. Your account is your responsibility and you must ensure it's secure at all times.

If you require further support don't hesitate to contact us on our Discord at:

Last updated