
Break away from the Towny grid.


Most Towny servers are limited by chunk-by-chunk divisions, leading to a lot of grid like rigidity in towns. The quarters system aims to solve this problem by allowing the creation of 3D areas within towns independent of the plot system. It is not a replacement however, both systems operate at the same time.

Quarters aims to make a town feel much more alive. With multiple players being able to fit into a small area a town will feel much more lively and active, and it is much easier for mayors to get their residents engaged.

Quarters are additive to a plot's perms, they will not take away from anyone who already has permissions in the plot whether that is from ownership, a rank, or otherwise. But they will give perms within its selection to people who otherwise would not have permission in the plot.

Creating a Quarter

The most intuitive way to create a quarter is to use the wand item, this is by default flint. You can receive a free wand with the command /q wand.

You can alternatively use /q pos one and /q pos two. These commands take optional arguments of x, y and z that are relative to your position, for example /q pos one 0 5 0 will set your first selection 5 blocks above your feet. This is handy if you want your selection to include areas that are not easily clickable.

Click on the two opposing corners of where you want to create a new quarter with you wand, left for corner one, right for corner two. Ensure the positions you select form an area that is entirely within a singular town with no wilderness inside it's bounds. Your selection should be highlighted with a series of particles, adjust your selection if it is not correct. The final area that the quarter will affect includes the particles themselves.

Once you have the area you want to turn into a quarter selected, type /q selection add, this will add that cuboid to your currently selected cuboids and the particle outline will change to reflect this. Alternatively, if you want to make a quarter with only one cuboid you can just write /q create to skip the adding. Keep in mind that cuboids within your selection are not allowed to overlap, but they are allowed to be disconnected from each other.

Quarter Types


This is the default quarter type, it can have an owner and the owner can set trusted users. The owner, anyone they have trusted, anyone with perms through the quarter, and anyone with perms in the underlying Towny plot have permission to alter this quarter type. All other quarter types have this behaviour and are additive to this functionality.


The inn quarter type allows players to use beds inside it to set their spawn, use /q toggle embassy to extend this to players who are not residents of the quarter's town.


The station type allows players to place, destroy and use boats and minecarts within the quarter. By default this only applies to residents of the town the quarter is in but much like the inn type, this functionality can be extended to all players by setting the quarter as an embassy using /q toggle embassy.


Resident Commands

Commands useable by anyone in a town.

  • /quarters or /q

    • /quarters claim : Claim a quarter as your own.

    • /quarters edit : Edit the cuboids within a pre-existing quarter.

    • /quarters fame : View the most famous quarters' user.

    • /quarters here : View info about the quarter you are standing in.

    • /quarters pos [One/Two] [(Optional) X Y Z] : Make a selection without the quarters' wand. Use the argument one or two to use your current position or alternatively input specific coordinate.

    • /quarters selection : Manage your selection.

      • /quarters selection add : Add a cuboid to your selection.

      • /quarters selection clear : Clear your selection.

      • /quarters selection copy Copy your selection to the clipboard.

      • /quarters selection paste : Paste your selection from the clipboard.

      • /quarters selection remove : Remove the cuboid you are standing in from the selection.

    • /quarters set : Set certain flags for the quarter you are standing in.

      • /quarters set anchor : Set the 'anchor' of the quarter, this is used for internal distance measurements and can be seen as the 'home'.

      • /quarters set colour : Change the colour of the quarter.

      • /quarters set entrynotification : Toggle if entry notifications are displayed.

      • /quarters set name : Change the name of a quarter.

      • /quarters set particlesize : When used outside of a quarter it will change the default quarter particle size. When used inside of one it'll change that quarter's particle size for everyone.

      • /quarters set perm : Used to change the permissions shown on /quarters here.

    • /quarters toggle : Toggle certain flags for the quarter you are standing in.

      • /quarters toggle constantoutlines : Toggle whether quarters' outlines are always shown.

      • /quarters toggle entry blinking : Toggle quarters' blinking their particles when you enter it.

      • /quarters toggle entrynotifications : Toggle receiving notifications when you enter a quarter.

    • /quarters trust : Manage who is trusted in a quarter.

      • /quarters trust add [Username] : Add someone who is trusted in a quarter. This will let them build, destroy, switch, and use items in that quarter.

      • /quarters trust clear : Remove all trusted players from a quarter.

      • /quarters trust remove [Username] : Remove a player from being trusted in a quarter.

    • /quarters unclaim : Unclaim a quarter that you own.

    • /quarters wand : Receive a wand tool to make quarter selections easier.

Landlord Commands

Commands useable by town staff that have permission to manager quarters. These are Mayors, Co-mayors, and Landlords.

  • /quarters or /q

    • /quarters create : Create a quarter based on your current selection.

    • /quarters delete : Delete the quarter you are standing in.

      • /quarters delete all : Delete all quarters in your town.

      • /quarters delete plot : Delete all the quarters in the plot/chunk you are standing in.

    • /quarters edit Edit the cuboids within a pre-existing quarter.

      • /quarters edit addselection : Add the cuboids selected with /q selection add to the quarter you are standing in.

      • /quarters edit remove : Remove the cuboid you are currently standing in from its quarter.

    • /quarters evict : Evict the owner from their quarter.

    • /quarters sell [Price] : Sell the quarter you are standing in for the specified price.

    • /quarters set Set certain flags for the quarter you are standing in.

      • /quarters set defaultsellprice : Change the default sell price for quarters in your town, used when no price is set with /quarters sell.

      • /quarters set owner : Set the owner of a quarter without them needing to claim it.

      • /quarters set type : Set the quarters' type.

    • /quarters toggle : Toggle certain flags for the quarter you are standing in.

      • /quarters toggle embassy : Toggles whether the quarter can be claimed by users that are not a part of the town.

Last updated