Custom Prefixes

Find out what custom prefixes are and how to use them.

Buy a unique and customisable prefix that only you have for €5 each.

Purchasing this perk will unlock the custom prefix category in /prefixes, where you can then create it in the corresponding slot purchased. You can have up to 3 custom prefixes at one time.

To create your prefix go to the respective category and click on the slot you've purchased. From there type in chat what you want the prefix to say with formatting and colours included (Minecraft colour codes &, or Hexes #). Once it's been created you can then go back to the menu and equip it.


You cannot edit a prefix once it's created, make sure you're happy with what it is and how it looks before doing so. If an error was made please contact a member of staff and they'll reset it.

When creating prefixes please keep in mind the wellbeing of other players. Do not choose anything that would break the server rules. Please also stay away from prefixes that intentionally cause distress or discomfort for others. You may also not create a prefix that is the same as an already available one on the server. If you are unsure of the appropriateness of a prefix please ask a member of staff before purchasing this item.

Inappropriate prefixes will be reset and you will need to create a new one. If this happens frequently we have the right to revoke your access to this perk.

Last updated